Parents, by now many of you have seen the memo from Dr. Holden concerning virtual learning next week for both the middle school and high school. We will not meet in person next week, however we will still have our 7th and 8th grade pep band performance on Tuesday evening, October 13. Dr. Holden gave us the go ahead for this event. We will have the kids meet in the band room at the middle school at 6:00 p.m. that evening. The dress will be the same as the middle school football game they played at last week. The band room will be open at 5:30 p.m. that evening.
Our fundraiser turn in date has been changed due to virtual learning. The new turn in date will be Monday, October 19 when the students return to class.
There will be some virtual assignments for all grades (6-8) next week. 6th grade students will need to take their instrument home with them today as well as their book AND Chromebook as they will not be back at school until October 19. 7th and 8th grade students will need their instruments on October 13 for the performance. They will need to take their instruments home with them after the performance that night. They will also need their Chromebook for some virtual assignments.
If anyone has questions or concerns, please email me:
Thanks everyone!