Good morning everyone. If you haven’t heard by now, due to some middle school staff covid issues, next week will be a remote learning week for middle school and high school students. Tuesday through Friday all of these students will learn remotely not at the school building.

Dr. Holden, Dr. Davis and I have spoken and extra curricular activities will continue. This includes Tuesday nights performance AND Friday nights last home game. Only a covid Outbreak would cancel next week which isn’t expected.

Here is the High School Band schedule for next week.

Tuesday: 1:35-3:15 band rehearsal on the field. 4:30 uniform fitting

The performance schedule for Tuesday night remains exactly the same. Nothing changes.

Wednesday and Thursday, all band students will have a flipgrid assignment remote learning.

Friday, 4th block band rehearsal 1:35-3:15 on the field

5:30 band call for our last home game against Buckhorn HS in band uniforms (if everyone gets fitted)

Muscle Shoals Middle School Band Schedule:

Tuesday night call for 7th and 8th grade pep band is 6pm for our Community Performance.

All other days will be remote learning.
