Good morning band faMily. It is a great morning with fall temps to get us excited about what is ahead for us. This week we continue to improve our show and increase our pep band music selections. This Friday is our first of three pep band away games of the year. Let’s have a successful week of improvement and good health.
Today 4th block we will have students sign up for our pep band away games. Those lists will be completed and finalized by directors this afternoon and shared on this website. Afterword we will work on stands music and show music for the rest of the block.
SNAPRAISE UPDATE: This morning at 7:30am, we reached 500 donations and our total is at $27,328.00 That is some serious blessing bestowed on our program by so many generous people! Today and tomorrow during 4th block we will do a text blast trying to reach anyone who might make a donation. If we could muster up 75 more donations, we could reach the $30,000! I think it’s possible! Let’s FINISH STRONG MSHS BAND!
PARENTS AND STUDENTS: Tomorrow night there is a rec league game concession sign up and our next concession wouldn’t be until an October 1st middle school game. The middle school band is performing October 1st as well.
Upcoming events: I wanted to remind everyone of our upcoming full band performances (other than pep band away games).
October 8th: Thursday night 7pm in James F Moore Stadium, High School Band performs their show, Middle school band guests, special senior night recognition
October 22nd: Thursday night 7pm in James F Moore Stadium, High School Band performs their show, University of North Alabama bands special guest performers
October 23rd: Home game vs Buckhorn
October 24th: University of North Alabama Night of Bands, Braly Stadium, many bands from our area will perform in exhibition including UNA, no specific times yet.