Pep Band Assignments for our Five Away Games

Today, we spend the entire 4th block allowing students to sign up for 5 different games of their choice. It was a huge success with everyone getting at least one game, and all the seniors who wanted multiple games (some even all the games). I look forward to these trips with these fine students. MSHS […]

UPDATE: October 23 Friday is away Cullman game, NOT home Buckhorn

Sorry folks my apologies, I input the wrong games and dates into my phone calendar. Thank you Mr. Porter for catching that. Buckhorn HS home game is the Friday October 16th. That will be our last scheduled home game of the regular season. After the strong Athens game, I suspect our football team will most […]

From the Podium, 9/21-9/25

Good morning band faMily. It is a great morning with fall temps to get us excited about what is ahead for us. This week we continue to improve our show and increase our pep band music selections. This Friday is our first of three pep band away games of the year. Let’s have a successful […]