From the Podium, 9/21-9/25
Good morning band faMily. It is a great morning with fall temps to get us excited about what is ahead for us. This week we continue to improve our show and increase our pep band music selections. This Friday is our first of three pep band away games of the year. Let’s have a successful […]
Snapraise almost crossing the $27,000 threshold!
WOW! Keep it going. That is truly amazing.
Great news! October 24th added performance
Happy Saturday Band FaMily! What a game!!! What a halftime!!! What great concession profits!!! Last night, I finally got the official “ok” on a performance opportunity we have been planning. The University of North Alabama Band will be hosting a “Band Night” Saturday October 24th at Braly Stadium. After a conversation with our principal Dr. […]
Tonight, next week
Good morning everyone. I am looking forward to tonight’s game. Should be a great game to attend and play for, not to mention…………….. WE ARE PUTTING THE CLOSER ON THE FIELD TONIGHT! We have worked hard this week which I am proud of. Even with several students out we slammed 3:40 seconds worth of music […]
Thursday and Friday (9/17-18) schedule and info
We have learned the drill, we have learned the music, we almost have music memorized, and we are trying to get the music to the feet. Today is the day it all comes together. It must. I have all the faith in the world this group of kids can do it. Almost 4 minutes of […]
$24,908.00 SNAPRAISE!
We are now inside a week with 6 days left. Our snapraise campaign ends Wednesday of next week. If there is anyone you haven’t reached out to now is the time. Monday-Wednesday of next week we will drive home our requests and see just how much we can raise. I continue to be amazed at […]
Starting inside today (Wednesday)
Due to rain let’s start inside and look at 2:30 at possibly going out.
SNAPRAISE update 9/15
$24, 008.00 with 8 days remaining We have officially passed our last two years record amount! Wonderful job band faMily. Now, how much more can we raise with 8 days left? 447 total donations so far with a goal of 500 donations. (53 donations with our average donation currently at $60 would raise another $3,000 […]
From the Podium, 9/14/2020
Good morning band faMily. It’s Monday the 14th and here is some band information for your planning purposes. I hope you had a restful weekend. First, a schedule for this week with goals we hope to accomplish Monday: 4th block inside music/choreography learning Tuesday: 4th block inside, first time full band plays Malaguena together as […]
Another successful night for the Trojan band
Another well received night for you students. Let’s continue to entertain and improve on EVERYTHING that we do. Next week is all about getting our closer on the field. It will be our toughest week yet. And may possibly be our most rewarding IF we can pull it off. We must learn drill and choreography […]