Sophomores Uniform Try On Friday (tomorrow)
Sophomores, at the end of rehearsal Friday, please grab your uniform from last year and try it on. Let Mrs. Hood know if you need adjustments. Thanks
Middle School Band Parent Assistance Requested
Good evening Middle School Band Parents!! I know you are all excited for tomorrow night’s 7th/8th grade band playing in the stands at the MSMS game! For us with high school students it has been a great source of joy to see and hear our kids playing on Friday nights!! As many of you may […]
Band Uniforms
Thank you Juniors for trying on your uniforms. Most were ok but we had 5 needing adjustments. Unfortunately you 5 didn’t stay and get refitted so we will just have to make due on October 13th. This Friday, all sophomores will try on their uniforms and we can find out who needs to be adjusted […]
Good morning band, 9/28
I want to start by congratulating our MSHS pep band for a great atmosphere and stands performance last Friday night. I thought you played well at a very exciting game. Maybe more exciting than our football program wanted! Deshler football game always impresses and the Deshler band hospitality is always great. Thank you again for […]
Pep Band Schedule for Deshler Game
Pep band members will leave after rehearsal Friday at 3:15. Doors locked at 3:45 while directors leave for short time. Meet at 5:15 in the band room to grab equipment and load. Pep band attire: Black Polo, White Ball Cap, any pants and shoes (appropriate), jackets welcome . Aux: Yellow auxiliary t-shirt, any appropriate pants […]
A huge success, donations higher than ever–needed more than ever
Good morning band faMily. What a great morning it is to be a Trojan! I am excited because life is good. We have every reason to be bitter and angry, yet 560 people find a way to donate over $30,000 to the band program simply because we asked for help. Keep this in mind when […]
Updated Deshler pep band roster
Several spoke to me recently. If you feel that your name should be on this list please let me know. MSHS pep band roster (65) Deshler Game 9/25/2020 Flute: Isabelle Rushing, Makayla McAfee, Max Willingham, Linda Zheng Clarinet: Chandler Myhan, Mariana Warner, Lindsey Conner, Ella Thomas, Alexus Gautney, Mary Micheal, Lauren Butte, Katie McCarthy, Lauren […]
$28,650 snapraise with 24 hours left!
We are so close folks. 30,000 would be incredible!
Pep Band Assignments for our Five Away Games
Today, we spend the entire 4th block allowing students to sign up for 5 different games of their choice. It was a huge success with everyone getting at least one game, and all the seniors who wanted multiple games (some even all the games). I look forward to these trips with these fine students. MSHS […]
UPDATE: October 23 Friday is away Cullman game, NOT home Buckhorn
Sorry folks my apologies, I input the wrong games and dates into my phone calendar. Thank you Mr. Porter for catching that. Buckhorn HS home game is the Friday October 16th. That will be our last scheduled home game of the regular season. After the strong Athens game, I suspect our football team will most […]