Two things for your Friday

Students, tonight’s game please wear your band show shirt or another shirt similar under the uniform. Save the black shirt for Saturday contest day. Let the staff know if you need help with this today. 2. Tonight is BAND NIGHT! The middle school joins us tonight during the first half. This is an opportunity to […]

Important Info for Pit Crew!

We really need some help in our Pit Crew for our band competition on Oct 16. We are searching for golf carts, atvs and trailers! We will use these to transport each band’s equipment to and from the stadium. If you own any of these (or know someone who may let us borrow theirs), please […]

Wow, we aren’t in Kansas anymore

I received our email today with the bands and classifications for Saturday. Good gracious, I don’t think we have ever been to a contest stacked with so many powerhouse bands. We aren’t local anymore by any means. This contest is about one thing……………Great feedback from a great panel and an opportunity to perform and compete […]

For your planning purposes:

October 5, Tuesday night, we will not rehearsal 5:30-8:00. October 12, Tuesday night, we will still be on Fall break with no rehearsals. Students, enjoy next Tuesday evening, do some homework, hang out with your friends, and take a break. I know you need it, and so does the staff. I very much look forward […]

Booster Needs this Week!

Good evening everyone! Tomorrow is the last middle school football game that we will host (middle school championship game TBD) and we still need 3 more workers for the lower concession stand. The first game starts at 5:00pm and the 2nd game starts at 6:30pm. We try to open the window for business at 4:30pm. […]

From the podium 9/27

Good morning band faMily It certainly was a successful weekend for our kids and band program. I am always grateful when our students receive good marks and feel rewarded for their hard work. I hope everyone involved with what we do from students, parents, administrators, community and staff members realized it was a team effort. […]


Franklin High School “SONIC BOOM” Competition  MSHS band schedule  Friday:  After home game,  load truck and trailer with all equipment Saturday:  11:30 school opens, uniform dress  12:15 depart MSHS  3:30 arrive at Cool Spring mall 4:30 depart Cool Springs mall 5:00 arrive, unload  6:15 warm up 7:15pm performance, load  8:30 concessions for dinner 9:30 awards, […]


MONDAY—WEDNESDAY NO REHEARSAL AFTER SCHOOL Thursday: 4th block, 5:30-8:00 practice field (no 3;30-4:30) Friday: 4th block, 5:30-8:00 Stadium rehearsal black polo and shakos, faMily performance at the end Saturday contest day: 1:30 band room opens 2:15 drill rehearsal, front ensemble loads trailer 3:00 eat, load trucks, dress into uniform, load buses 4:45 depart for contest […]


Today no after school rehearsal like normal. Moved to Thursday Thursday 5:30-8:00, Friday 5:30-8:00 in stadium Friday night final run through performance for community Saturday First Contest Day


Good morning band faMily. Finally, after two years of waiting, competition week has finally arrived. This is just the first week of a “season” of competitions. Results, trophies, and scores are not the end of all ends for us. It is the performance quality in reference to our efforts and abilities that is the “ultimate” […]