Week 1 in the books

I first want to thank the following people:

  1. The band parents and boosters who took care of our kids at lunch this week. Lunch time was always taken care of and went without a hitch. Thank you
  2. Our Lunch Sponsors for week 1. Grace Life Church 2. Ricks Produce and 3. Alabama Bliss Parents please take an opportunity to thank them with a social media post, email, or your business.
  3. Thank you administrators for working with the band program this week. We kinda take over the school during camp. Also thank you custodians as well.
  4. Thank you band staff. You are awesome.

If I had only one word to describe this week, it would be “Success”. Everything we hoped to get done we did. The staff has smiles and so did the kids. I think we all feel a sense of gratitude to be here, together, setting goals and trying to attain them. The students work ethic and attitudes have been better than I ever imagined. We worked hard and had fun. A pretty good combination.

We ended our day today with our first full ensemble rehearsal then a water balloon fight. Mrs. Hood and learned how the kids really feel about us 🙂

Next week is the same schedule but much more time outside. Next week it looks like Alabama summer arrives.

When climbing a mountain, you have to start somewhere. We are definitely headed in the right direction.

See you next week!
