Thanksgiving Break and Fundraiser Item Delivery Info

Good afternoon MSMS Band!

The fundraiser items will be delivered to the MSMS Band room on Monday, December 7. We will have everything sorted by student name in the percussion room by the end of the school day. I will be around after school until 5 p.m. for parents that need to swing by and pick up items for their children.

We ended this week on a GREAT note with all three band classes. Thank you students for working hard today.

When we get back from Thanksgiving break, our full attention will be placed on preparation for our performance on December 15 (6th, 7th, and 8th).

I hope each and every one of you have a blessed Thanksgiving! It may be a little different, but I know we have so many things to be thankful for. I am thankful for my family, my co-workers (Mr. Waters and Mrs. Hood), and my job here at Muscle Shoals City Schools. Students, all the directors are thankful for you! Thank you for being in the band. It’s a joy to see you every day.

May God Bless You all this Thanksgiving week.

Seay everyone on Monday, November 30!
