I hope all of you are healthy and feeling well. Thanksgiving break is behind us and we begin looking forward to the upcoming events.

This week is a normal in school week with 4th block rehearsals. Wind ensemble on stage and Symphonic band in the band room.


Monday, December 7 is our High School Christmas Concert date.

Dress is Tuxedo and Black Long Dress. (if tuxedo isn’t purchased yet, just do concert black)

The Symphonic band will perform at 6:30pm, doors open at 6:00pm and auditorium will be cleared at 7:00 to be sanitized.

The Wind Ensemble will perform at 7:45pm, doors open at 6:45.

Each performance will be limited in capacity due to a new ordinance the school system will be enforcing due to the pandemic.

Each Symphonic band and Wind Ensemble student will get 4 tickets each for their families to use as they wish.

This will keep our numbers within the maximum capacity limit. Unused tickets may be given to other families and other people.

We want to strongly encourage grandparents and others with significant health issues to please watch the facebook live or the video we will post and not risk their health.

Masks and social distancing will be strongly encouraged.


Your first rehearsals of the year start this Tuesday at 3:30 in the MSHS band room. Next week will be a Tuesday as well.

2020-2021 Percussion Ensemble

Percussion ensemble rehearsals continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3_30-5:00. We will be finalizing our warm up exercises plus we have new show material to give you.
