Franklin High School “SONIC BOOM” Competition 

MSHS band schedule 


After home game,  load truck and trailer with all equipment


11:30 school opens, uniform dress 

12:15 depart MSHS 

3:30 arrive at Cool Spring mall

4:30 depart Cool Springs mall

5:00 arrive, unload 

6:15 warm up

7:15pm performance, load 

8:30 concessions for dinner

9:30 awards, drum major only retreat 

10:00 load, depart 

12:30 arrive home, unload 

We would like to load the buses in uniform due to the lack of opportunity to change when we arrive at the competition. Auxiliary speak to your instructors for your plan. Band members, we will simply walk through the mall in our bibbers and eat. We will be in good company with other bands doing the same. It’s a Cool Springs marching band Saturday tradition. We will use the concession stand to eat dinner after our performance. 

This contest is a caption judging contest. The scoring is slightly different and scores will be lower than maybe we are used to. The judging system is much like our state contest. It isn’t something to be afraid of but something to get excited about. We will be competing against some fine bands as this is a competition not for the light of heart. The judging panel may be the best, most qualified we will see all season. 

Here is the website for the contest for more information
