From the podium 9/27

Good morning band faMily

It certainly was a successful weekend for our kids and band program. I am always grateful when our students receive good marks and feel rewarded for their hard work. I hope everyone involved with what we do from students, parents, administrators, community and staff members realized it was a team effort. So many moving parts to get THROUGH IT ALL from concept to reality.

As much as it would feel good to take time to admire our accomplishment, we cannot and we will not until seasons end. Today has to be the first day of our next goal. Students, we will have a band meeting today 4th block to discuss several topics. I want you totally educated as to what we are doing and how you are being judged. Parents, I will try to do that for you as well.

The simple matter is this, every contest this season is different, and each contest gets more competitive and harder judging. It is possible we have scored our highest score of the year. Nothing to do with our performance, but rather the contest and their judging style.

This weekend we will se some of the finest bands we have seen in a long time. This contest has Bands of America quality programs. I am excited that we will get to watch RAVENWOOD HS who will be quite good. Last weekend was our “local” contest. In athletic terms, is was like a county tournament. Next weekend is definitely a regional contest. From here to the end of the season, our competitive drive should be concerned about our class only. How do we stack up with the bands in our class and not to worried about overall. It just isn’t realistic to be honest.

Friday night is band night. The middle school will join us in the stands and is an enjoyable night every time for our kids. We plan to load our equipment after the game. Please be prepared students to do this when we get back to the band room.


This week we continue to fill in our show. We have more visuals to add and things to think about. Everything about what we do MUST get better. ESPECIALLY our ability to finish our musical and visual phrases. This weekend we don’t get Friday night to think about the show only. We need to take special care of our chops knowing what is ahead of us. I can promise you we will not play like we did in Athens, that would seal our fate Saturday for sure.

Saturday you will need money for two meals. We will be stopping at the Galleria in cool springs which has plenty of food choices. The other meal will be concessions after our performance. Energy conservation should be a priority Friday and Saturday. Make sure you have enough gas left in the tank to perform well.

Competition one is in the books . But in the professional performance world, you are only as good as your next performance.

Remember, we have business to take care of. Let this fuel your desire to be a great as you possibly can be. This is only the beginning.


I have already been asked about checking out students after the contest. ABSOLUTELY! The students may check out right after the awards ceremony. If getting a hotel room gets parents to the contest, I am all for it!!!!
