From the Podium: 8/28-9/1

With our first performance behind us, we are feeling confident and motivated to finish and improve our show! Weather looks so much better this week!

Week at a glance:

Monday: 4th Block
Tuesday: 4th Block, 5:30-8
Wednesday: 4th Block
Thursday: 4th Block, 3:30-4:30 (MSMS game after for any students wanting to play with the moms band students)
Friday: 4th Block, Florence Game

Game Day Schedule (students do not leave campus after school)
No pep rally for away games
1:35-3:15 – 4th Block Rehearsal
3:30 – Load truck and trailer
4:15 – Eat dinner (we will collect $5 per student for away game dinners)
4:45 – get dressed (bibbers, dry fit shirts, long black socks, band shoes, we will bring shakos, auxiliary in football uniforms)
5:45 – Depart for Braly Stadium
7:00 – Kick-off
9:30-10 – game ends/load trucks
10:30 – Depart for MSHS
10:45- unload trucks

Check outs – if a student wishes to check out, a parent may sign them out at the end of the game at the MSHS band buses. Students are responsible for meeting at the school after checkout to unload their instrument and put away their uniform. Only parents/guardians may sign out students.

When you come to pick up your child at MSHS, please park in parking spaces and do not park at the front of the school on the road. Buses will need to park here. If you park in the road, you will be blocked in until students unload and buses are clean. You will be able to leave much more quickly if you park in a parking space.

Snap!Raise Update:
We have 16 days left in our drive and about $8,200 to our minimum goal. Please keep sharing on social media and sending to anyone you think would be willing to help the MSHS band program.

Band Fees Due:
Remember to log into your MySchoolBucks account and pay your band fees. Just search for Band Fees: you can pay in full, or choose the other item listed misc. to make partial payments.
Marching Band Fee $350
Concert Band Fee $150
Rental Fee (if using a school owned instrument) $50
Marching Shoes (if you ordered new ones) $50
Auxiliary Members – your first payments are currently due.
We would like to have all fees paid by 9/1 if possible. If there is a hardship, please let us know through email.

Band App: Please remember to sign up for the Band App, and remember to allow notifications:

Our band apparel shop is now available on the website! Just click the “shop” button at the top of the page. “Shoals” show shirts, polos, hats and more are available to purchase! Your orders run directly through The Shoals Printing Co. They will be in contact with you about pick-up!
