Good morning band faMily. This message is for the band dads I have spoken to over teh past 7-10 days about being added to our list of dads who can drive our trucks for this semester and the future.
If I have spoken to you and you agreed to be put on the list, here is what we need you to do.
Go to our MSCS central office and see Lori Woolfolk. You will need your drivers license and she will ask you for your SS#. Both of these things are needed to add you to the schools insurance to make it legal for you to drive the truck or pull the trailer. She will also give you information what you need to do about the mandatory drug testing policy as well.
Of all the folks I talked to about percussion ensemble this semester, only only Steve Baggette was already on the list already.
If you drove this fall and were already on the list, this message does not apply to you. This is for new dads who have not been put on the insurance list.
Percussion ensemble driving dads, I will be contacting you together to get schedules together of who will be driving to what events within the next two weeks. Go ahead and start thinking about these days. Luckily, a lot of you are about to be on the list so we will have several people to plan with.
February 6, February 20, March 6, and March 20. All Saturday events.
Thank you for volunteering!