Through it all, not finished yet…..
Often times in my career, by October 20 we were ready for the end and to transition into concert season. The grind is real for everyone and it beats you down. Marching band season fatigue is real and it’s exhausting. While that still may be the case for some, especially the band moms and dads […]
LEADERSHIP TEAM MEETING 5:00 in choir room
Leadership team meeting before heading to stadium. 5:00
Game vs Cullman
Good morning! We have 13 concession stand positions open for this Friday’s game. Please consider signing up to help – especially if your student has not been represented at a Friday night game yet. I know we have had a lot of home games towards the end of our season and we just finished TVI […]
Friday night, load all equipment after game. ACT students, we have allowed in the past for those taking the test to depart after halftime. It is an important game, however. The winner will determine a lot for the playoffs. Saturday: 12:00 doors open 1:00 departure time 3:30 arrival time HOOVER 4:00 warm up 4:45 performance […]
Red shirt night rehearsal tonight
Please try to wear red at the 5:30 tonight if you can make it happen.
Schedule through end of season
I am currently working on the Hoover day schedule. Still need to come up with an ACT plan. As soon as that is established I will create a full schedule. Monday 10/18 4th block rehearsal Tuesday 10/19 4th block rehearsal, 5:30-8:00 stadium rehearsal Wednesday 10/20 4th block rehearsal Thursday 10/21 4th block, 3:30-4:30 Friday 10/22 […]
A Heart of Gratitude continued :)
I forgot to also mention our awesome chaperones and students that made sure all of our visiting bands had a nice area in the gym to change and get ready! There is a lot of traffic in and out of there all day as you can imagine! Brandi Edwards and Wendy Myhan, who are part […]
A Heart of Gratitude
I was pretty emotional this morning as I woke up remembering the many faces of students, parents, and directors who made the 29th TVIMC a huge success! Just like Mr. Waters reminded us at our last meeting, there were some hiccups along the way…however, everyone handled it graciously and kept their eyes on making yesterday […]
First, thank you parents who have worked and volunteered for today. We hope to clear $20,000 today. This is a must for our booster budget. STUDENTS: Tonight our uniform dress call is 7:30pm. Warm up on our band field at 8:30pm. ALL STUDENTS WILL PERFORM TONIGHT. STUDENTS: Know what you signed up for today, what […]
Due to weather concerns, we will wear band polos tomorrow at the Buckhorn away game. Departure at 4:00. Load at 2:45. 3rd quarter off not before.