Info for the week of 9/7 – 9/10

Good morning MSMS Band,

Here’s the info for this week.

-Fundraiser Order forms and money need to be turned in on Tuesday, September 7. The online sales can continue until Thursday.

-Our second middle school home football game is this week: Thursday, September 9. The schedule will be the same as our previous game (please see the previous post here:

-Our MSMS Band T-Shirts have arrived. We will be passing those out to the kids this week. 7th and 8th graders will need to wear this shirt for the football game on Thursday.

-All 6th grade and 7th grade beginners received information last week about our pass off system, “MSMS Band Karate”. Parents, let me encourage you to keep on encouraging your child to work on these lines in their books. We look to have great success with the pass off system again this year. A GREAT time to pass off these lines is in the mornings before school. Mr. Waters and Mr. Seay are in the band room by 7:15 am each morning. 7th and 8th grade band classes will be receiving info for their pass off system very soon. Once we get through Thursday’s football game, we can begin to switch gears and start working on different things in class.

-The Homecoming Activities have been moved to the week of October 25. The 8th grade will now be participating in the Homecoming parade on Thursday, October 28. There is no parade this week as previously scheduled.

-Please keep November 4 on your calendars. This is the date of our first concert. It will be our Veterans Day Program and it will feature all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade band members. We will start looking at music for this concert in class very soon.

-8th grade band members will be receiving info on their first chair test on Friday of this week.

Have a great Labor Day and we will Seay you all in the morning!
