First MSMS Football Game is Thursday, August 26. Here’s the info for that day! (Along with more info for the week of 8-23 through 8-27)

Good evening MSMS Band,

It’s been another good week. The 7th and 8th grade are getting more comfortable and confident with their music for the Football game next week and the 6th grade is making strides on the first 5 notes.

Here’s everything the 7th and 8th graders need to know concerning Thursday, August 26, our first MSMS Football game of the year!

  1. Attendance for this performance by each 7th/8th grade band student is required.
  2. Band members need to be in the middle school band room with their music and instrument, ready to go, by 4:45 pm. All members will need to go home after school as no director will be in the bandroom after school. The directors will be at the high school rehearsing with the high school band during that time.
  3. Each instrument player must have a lyre and flip folder for their music by Monday, August 23. Tubas only need a flip folder. Percussion do not need a lyre or a flip folder.
  4. Each instrument player will wear their 2021 MSMS Band T shirt for this performance. We will be receiving these shirts early in the week and will distribute these to the kids during class. I would encourage the kids to wear shorts and tennis shoes, as well. It will be very warm on Thursday evening next week.
  5. Color guard Members who also play a band instrument: You will wear your guard uniform and follow instructions per Ms. Waters. You will need someone in your section to bring your instrument and music down to the stadium as you will leave the bandroom before the band. Let’s make those arrangements during class on Monday. You will need to get the remainder of your information about Thursday from Ms. Waters. You will play your instrument in the stands when you finish your routines on the field.
  6. . There are 2 games. The first game starts at 5:00 p.m. and the second game is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. The band will leave the stands and go back to the bandroom after halftime of the second game. This usually occurs around 7:15 – 7:45 p.m. Once each band member has put their instrument in their locker in the bandroom, they are free to be released to their parents. Parents, please be outside the middle school bandroom starting around 7:15 p.m. to pick up your child.
  7. We will let the kids go the concession stand at some point during the games. They will need money if they would like to purchase items from the concession stand.

****Here is the REVISED upcoming schedule for 7th and 8th grade****

Thursday, August 26 – MSMS Home Football Game

Thursday, September 9 – MSMS Home Football Game

Friday, September 10 – Homecoming Parade (8th grade instrument players only, and all colorguard members)

Tuesday, September 28 – MSMS Home Football game (not on original calendar, was added last week)

The game on October 7, which was on the original calendar, is now an away game. We will not be playing on October 7.

Friday, October 1 – Band Night for 7th and 8th grade band members. They will come to the high school football game and play in the stands with the high school band. More info on this event will be given out as we get closer. This will be a FUN night! (the middle school colorguard will not be doing a routine on this evening)

We kicked off our fall fundraiser on Wednesday. Each band member, 6th 7th and 8th, received information regarding this program. We are asking that each family sell 6 items. If you choose to not participate in this fundraiser, we kindly ask you to pay the Fair Share fee of $50. The proceeds from this fundraiser will go to help purchase much needed equipment, music, reeds, and instructional tools.

Thank you in advance for all that each of you do to help support the program. The turn in date for both money and orders for this fundraiser is September 7. If your child did not receive a packet or if they require another order form, please have them come and see me and I will get them taken care of.

We will continue pushing forward with our learning next week in all classes. Be on the lookout for pass off material for all grade levels to be coming out very soon. The posters are already on the back wall of the bandroom ready for blocks to be filled in!

7th and 8th grade Saxophone and Clarinet players and their parents: I spoke with your child this past week about an item that I would strongly recommend for them to have. It’s not a requirement, but all the directors would highly encourage each 7th and 8th grade saxophone and clarinet player to obtain one of these:

The metal ligatures that most of the kids have are adequate and they work, but this ligature helps to give the kids a much better, darker, richer sound. It’s good for individual playing as well as playing in the full group setting. They also tend to hold up better over time compared to the metal ligatures. The majority of our high school clarinet and saxophone players use these ligatures and we feel that 7th and/or 8th grade would be a good time to begin making a switch to these ligatures for these students.

These can be purchased at Alabama Music in Florence. They have them in stock.

We hope everyone has a great weekend. For 7th and 8th graders, next week is SHOWTIME! 6th graders, you time will come very soon! Keep on working on your first 5 notes, woodwinds and brass. Percussion: rhythm reading, steady beats, and consistent hands is the name of the game. Stay on it everyday!

Seay everyone on Monday!
