Recordings, Winterguard auditions, first Percussion Ensemble rehearsal, and an away Playoff pep band game Friday. A full week of practice and performances for the MSHS band program.
Winter is in the air and that means we are inching our way closer to 2021. Before we know it, we will be eating Thanksgiving turkey and opening Christmas presents. Bring it on. My favorite time of the year!
Here is a schedule of events with information following:
Monday night: Booster exec zoom 6pm
Tuesday night: Booster full zoom 7pm
Thursday: 3:30 percussion ensemble rehearsal, 3:30 Wintergaurd auditions
Thursday night: 5:15-7:30 Wind Ensemble recording
Friday: Playoff game in Birmingham, pep band
We will be signing up students for the pep band game today. Seniors first and so on like before.
WIND ENSEMBLE: Make sure your dresses and tuxes are ready to go for Thursday. We would like to start at 5:15.
Busy week, but that is a good thing!