Volunteer Briefing from DCI

I just received this email from DCI. Please read thoroughly. This applies to all volunteers, except those working in concessions. A DCI representative will meet with each group of volunteers before you head to your stations.

Biggest Take-Aways:
Dress code: Closed Toed Shoes, volunteer shirt, athletic shorts or khakis.
Volunteer code of conduct (please read)

“Hello DCI Event Volunteers,

Thank you for taking the time to volunteer for DCI Northern Alabama. We’re excited to bring this event to Muscle Shoals for the first time with your help!!

I have a few quick reminders for you before we arrive at event day!

Uniform- You will be provided a DCI Volunteer shirt that will identify you on site. Please also wear school appropriate neutral colored (grey, black, tan) shorts. Athletic shorts are fine, khaki style shorts are fine. Please avoid bright colors, sweatpants style shorts, and denim shorts. Close toed shoes are REQUIRED in all volunteer positions.

Volunteer Code of Conduct- As an event volunteer for a DCI event, you are an ambassador of Drum Corps International. A high level of customer service is expected to be displayed at all times. Volunteers should be courteous, friendly, and helpful to all guests. We expect each volunteer to be immediately responsive to guests and handle all situations reasonably and calmly.

  • Do your best to accommodate all guests.
  • Children, friends, family, or pets are not to accompany you during your shift.
  • Change out of your volunteer shirt when you are not working.
  • Please do not record any performances and please pass along that recording performances is against copyright law.
  • Limit phone usage when in the eye of guests. We understand that you may not always be actively be workin, but do your best to stay attentive to your surroundings and the activity around you at all times. 

Hydration- Though we are expecting mild weather, many of you will be standing and moving in the sun for a long period of time. Just like band camp, it is important to stay hydrated. Please drink plenty of fluids the day and morning before and come prepared with plenty of water. We encourage you to bring the water bottle/jug that you use for band rehearsals to the event.

Parking- Please park at the High School North or West lots (parking spots 1-60 and 543-600 respectively) It’s important that the corps parking lots remain unobstructed so large buses and trucks can move and park efficiently (volunteers arriving for seat numbering on Wednesday may park in the stadium Lot)

Event Shift- Please know your event position and report time. This helps when deploying volunteers to their areas and makes the process very fast and easy

Restricted areas and respecting performers- The performance field is a restricted area. Please do not access the field unless you are assigned to work in this area. Performers and staff move quickly around the field and need room to work and perform. Please also respect the space of performers coming on and off the field, warming up, and unloading. We encourage you to interact with performers and corps staff, but please be aware of when it is appropriate. Many performers and staff get very focused as they prepare for and recover from performances. High fives and fit bumps are always encouraged, but may not always be returned.

Thank you again for your time. We look forward to an incredible event and the opportunity to bring the life enriching benefits and enjoyment of marching music to more people, all thanks to you!”
