Good morning everyone. I am looking forward to tonight’s game. Should be a great game to attend and play for, not to mention……………..
We have worked hard this week which I am proud of. Even with several students out we slammed 3:40 seconds worth of music and drill on this week. You and I both know it’s not stellar or competition ready, but it is ready to be premiered tonight.
We have to get better today without wasting our brass chops at the same time. A tall order.
Loading crew after school then band call at 5:30 in 2020 uniforms
The staff has really mulled over how we will put these pep bands together and finally have what we believe to be a great plan that is fair for everyone.
We have decided to raise the number of members to more than 60. This will allow more opportunities for more people. Here is how this will work:
We have chosen the exact number of students, even down to the number of players on each part in each section, and put that into a list form with the game title and date on it. We will put those lists with the empty blanks next to the instruments on the wall Monday during 4th block. We will then do the following:
Seniors; you will get to sign your name in a slot for three games
Juniors: you will get to sign your name in a slot for two games
Sophomores and Freshmen, the directors will then supplement your names on the list to ensure EVERYONE get’s at least one away game.
After this is done, we may still have open slots left. We will then start over with seniors who will get to sign up once, then juniors, and if it gets that far we will keep going. This gives seniority and is about as fair as we can possibly make it. This gives us a balanced band sound on all parts. Students, you can only sign up in a slot designated for YOUR part, so a second trumpet cant sign up for a first trumpet slot and so forth.
Students, you do not HAVE to sign up for a game, but we would like you to get that experience at least once. We anticipate 2020 is the only time this kind of thing will take place. Normally, the entire band goes to every game and performs their show every week.
To let everyone know, even if we wanted to take the entire band to an away game (which the directors absolutely want to and it would solve a world of headaches and problems), visiting schools are just not allowing it. While MSHS has not officially told other schools they can only bring a pep band, other places have. If these policies were to change, believe me you would be the first to know.
Let’s enjoy FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS tonight. As always in 2020, let’s perform like it may be our last one.