We are in our 2nd week of band camp. Students are learning music drill and choreography for “Spheres”. We are excited about a rare July cool front coming through tomorrow!
Thursday, at 2:00, the band will be taking pictures in our gymnasium. Our morning rehearsal will end at 11:00 so students can get home and shower and change clothes. A picture order form is going home with kids today.
PARENTS; we need your help, and it’s simple. During the entire school year, the band parents provide water for our kids during all performances. Home games, away games, and competitions. Most trips each student drinks a minimum of two bottles. This is right at 300 bottles of water per event, and there are 15 of these events so far on our calendar. We ask that you wouldn’t mind buying a case of water to help us out. Tomorrow, Tuesday July 23 from 5:30-7:00, please bring your case of water to the lower concession stand and drop it off. Last year, the band parents didn’t have to purchase a single case of water the entire year. We would like that to be the case again this year 🙂
I hope you are making your plans to travel to our competitions. There is nothing like it for a band parent. Please, make your plans and let’s all enjoy the students hard work.