Folks, we are over halfway to our ultimate goal of 30,000 in donations. We are 9 days into our 28 day campaign. We are ahead of our totals from this time last year with 75 less student accounts! Let’s keep going!
Thoughts: everyone find a couple more emails and put into your account. Emails=donations
Think about sharing your account through social media every 3-5 days.
We need to average close to 1,000 a day to reach our goal!
We have 34 students who have not ye received a donation yet. Look at your account and see. Try to get your first donation over the weekend! Everyone else try to get just 1 more this weekend.
Tuesday marks the halfway point of our campaign. That will tell us a lot about how much we might be capable of raising. Is it possible to ge MORE than 30,000?
Thank you everyone!!!!!