We had a great meeting to kick off the season last night!
First of all – be sure to stay connected!
- msband.org
- join the Remind – send a text to 81010, text this message – @mshsband1
- like the 2021-2022 MSHS band booster facebook page
- like the Muscle Shoals High School band facebook page
Officers and chairpersons of different service areas were introduced:
President – Kristi Clark Co-Vice Presidents – Jeremie and Katie Kinney
Secretary – Heather Foster. Treasurer – Tanya Trousdale
Members at Large – Melissa Medlin, Wendy Myhan and Phillip McAfee
Public Relations – Jennifer Butler – this position manages sending out messages on Remind as well as helping with social media and our volunteer sign up page. This will be Jennifer’s last year – If you are interested in stepping up into this role, please let us know.
Pit Crew – Jon Wright (Assisted by Phillip McAfee) – this position coordinates a team who: works with the band director to build and maintain props, equipment and practice field; aide in getting equipment to and from sites, on
and off fields for performances; arrange for truck rental and drivers. We will need more helpers especially during TVI for this committee.
Concessions – Heather Foster and Kristi Clark – this position is in charge of: purchasing and preparing all foods sold at the concession stands along with close communication with the treasurer; ensuring that waters are stocked to provide for the band students at home as well as away games; coordinating and assigning stations for workers for each game. Our goal is to have 4 committee chairpersons. If you are interested in joining this committee, please let us know. We would love for you to start learning and helping this season as a chairperson.
Hospitality – Tiana Brook (Assisted by Wendy Myhan and Amber Butte) – this position is responsible for coordinating any social activities (Freshman fish fry, Band camp lunches, TVI, Ice cream social, Hot chocolate social, All State tryouts, Band Banquet etc). Amber Butte will take over in a lead role next year. We need one or two more who would be interested in helping with this committee going forward into next year. Please let us know if that is you!
Uniforms – Michele Banister – this position is responsible for fitting and maintaining uniforms including shakos, gauntlets and plumes. If you would like to help with this position, please let us know!
Chaperones – Brandi Edwards – this position is responsible for: providing stadium seat covers and preparing coolers with waters for the band; traveling on buses with the band to away games and competitions; sitting in the stands with the band to help with any needs that may arise. If you are interested in becoming a chaperone, please let us know!
Please know when you volunteer for our organization, you will always have others helping you! We firmly believe in team work and always pitching in wherever we can for each area!
Show shirts, polos, etc.
We have started taking up orders for show shirts, band polos and band caps. IMPORTANT – your student’s show shirt, dry fit shirt and band polo are provided by the band. This order is for parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, etc. We already have several orders from last night. We will keep this order open through Sunday, August 15th. The order will be turned in early Monday morning.
Online orders – We have added the option of ordering and paying online at https://muscleshoalscityal.csiepay.com/. This is the same site where you pay fees for your student. Choose Muscle Shoals High School and then choose Band Boosters. You will see the menu I have included in the image below. You can choose band hat (cap), show shirt with your chosen size(s), stadium blanket (red and black plaid with our band logo), and Men or Women’s polo. This will be the most convenient way to order and pay. We do have some stadium blankets and band caps in stock. The show shirts and polos will need to be ordered.
All other orders – We will also take your orders if you wish to pay in person. You can pay us at the lower concession stand during our first game vs Deshler next Thursday. Please email your orders to melissa.medlin@gmail.com or ttrousdale@firstmetro.net if you are not ordering online.
If you are buying a blanket or band cap, we will have these at the lower concession stand for you to pick up at our first game vs. Deshler. If we get more orders than we have on hand, we can order more.
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this important information! If you have any questions, please let us know!
We are one week away from our first ballgame!! See you then!

This graphic will be on the back of the show shirt with the band logo on the front left chest; we have a special saying in our band family – notice it at the bottom of the graphic 🙂 you will see this abbreviated on some of our posts YWNWA