Praise where it is due…….

Yesterday, we had a long rehearsal during one of our hotter days of the season. Immediately following our rehearsal, there was a middle school game where the middle school band played. We had around 25 HS students volunteer to play and mentor the middle school students during the game as well as 7-8 students volunteer to work in the concession stand to help support the parents working. I spent time in both areas watching and admiring all the volunteer work taking place.

The band students, in my honest opinion (I am bias I know) are some of the kindest, hardest working, givers of themselves I have ever seen. With excitement they volunteer for whatever is needed. This includes cleaning the band room and stage after a long hot rehearsal, playing pep band at 7:30am (ugghh), washing the band trucks and trailers on their day off, striping the field, loading and unloading equipment, and helping other areas of the school when ever needed.

Having a great playing band is important…….but it pales in comparison to creating at atmosphere of helping others. Is there anything more important than how you treat people? I don’t think so. And these students are teaching all of us that the needs of others are important. Amen.
