Muscle Shoals High School Virtual Majorette Auditions

Muscle Shoals High School

2020 VIRTUAL Majorette Auditions

This letter will explain the process for this year’s majorette auditions and answer frequently asked questions about being a majorette at Muscle Shoals High School.

The very first thing you need to do is email Mrs. Jessica Hood ( and give the following information: Auditionee Name, Current Grade Level, Number of Years Twirling. This will help us determine who all will be auditioning.

Audition Process:

The auditions will take place April 13-17 online. On April 13, skill videos and an audition routine video will be posted on the 2020 MSHS Majorette Audition group on Facebook. You can join this group anytime between now and April 13. If you are not on Facebook, please email Mrs. Hood (, so she can give you the necessary information. 

Each auditionee will need to practice the skills and routine in the videos, as well as prepare an individual routine no less than 1 minute and no more than 2 minutes in length.

Audition Submission:

Students will need to submit 3 videos.

Video 1: This video will be a continuous video of each skill that will be assessed on the audition. This should be a continuous take, meaning the camera should not be stopped between each skill.

The order of skills will be posted on the facebook page.

Video 2: This video will be a recording of the audition routine. In this video, you will record yourself performing the audition routine 2 times. This should be a continuous take, meaning the camera should not be stopped between each performance.

Video 3: This video will be a recording of the individual routine.

Submission Guidelines:

Those auditioning should wear appropriate all black athletic clothing and tennis shoes. Longer hair should be tied back. The video should be taken outside. Please read the video requirements above carefully and ask any questions you may have about submission. You may submit video through email, dropbox, or google drive link to Videos should be submitted no later than midnight on Friday, April 17th.

Audition submissions will be judged by the band directors, David Waters and Jessica Hood.

If you have any questions, please email These are difficult times, but we will continue to offer the best possible education and experiences for our students. Should you have any questions concerning skills, video submission, etc. please do not hesitate to ask.
