The link below will lead you to the MSMS Band Hyperdoc. This document is full of activities and lessons from us to you. Go to the doc view your weekly assignments, learn new concepts, increase your individual musicianship, see our faces, and get those instruments into your hands. Start by clicking the “Start by Clicking Here” link. We encourage you to submit videos of yourself playing or demonstrating any skills you may learn from the doc. Submission instructions are found in the center of the doc–you will need to log in with your school email to submit videos. These videos are only seen by the directors. As with any use of technology, there may be some troubleshooting. If you are unable to open anything on the doc, please send me an email, and I will resolve the issue as soon as possible. Also, if you are interested in a topic not included on the doc, send an email, and we will create a video. We miss you. Happy Learning!