MSMS Band Spring Trip Refund Info – FORMS AND DEADLINES!!

Parents, this is an email I received from Christina Turberville, high school bookeeper handling our trip money/refunds. Please make sure you read and follow the instructions.

From Mrs. Turberville to all MSMS Band Parents concerning the Spring Trip Refunds:

Attached is a link to a blank W9 form. Please have all parents that are receiving a refund fill this out and have it returned to me no later than June 5, 2020.  If they can not scan them and return them by email they can drop them by the school Monday through Thursday from the hours between 8 to 3.  They will need to call the school and my extension  1805 in order for me to come out and get it from the car.  I will not be in the office on May 25, 26, and 27th.  So they will not be able to drop off those days.  They can not come into the building as we are still not open to the public.  I apologize for the paperwork but it is required by the central office in order for them to be put in the system so that the check can be cut.  
They need to fill in the Name, address, social security number, signature, and date.  
This is sections 1, 5, 6, Part I, and Part II.
They will not be issued a refund until the W-9 is filled out and returned. 
Additionally, if there are parents who have not filled out the google form, they will need to do this as well. Thank you so much for your patience!

Mrs. Turberville’s email address is

The High School’s phone number is 256-389-2682 (extension 1805 for Mrs. Turberville)

Here is the link to the google form:

Here is the link to the W9 Form:

Please remember, all of this paperwork (W9 and Google Form) needs to be completed and submitted by June 5, 2020.

Thanks again for everyone’s patience. I know this has taken a while. I think the end is in sight!

Mr. Seay
