MSMS Band Spring Trip: Info about Funds Collected

This post is for any 7th and/or 8th grade band member along any of their family members who were planning on going on the MSMS Spring Band Trip to Atlanta.

Christina Turberville, the bookkeeper at the high school, has been the one handling our money for this trip. She has put together a Google form for folks to complete. This form is only for those who have paid money to go on the trip.

I will attach the link to the Google form in this post. There are 5 options:

  1. Refund
  2. Apply to band fees 2020-2021 school year
  3. Apply to MSHS Band trip to Hawaii
  4. Apply to MSMS Band trip to Atlanta 2020-2021
  5. Donate to School

We had to prepay for the Atlanta Braves baseball game tickets back in November. We have not heard from them regarding the refunding of that money. Once we do, Mrs. Turberville can begin the process putting your money where you would like for it to go. She would like for everyone to go ahead fill out the Google form so she can have all that sorted and organized once we do hear back from the Atlanta Braves. No money can be moved or refunded until we hear back from them.

We are going to try and take the middle school band to Atlanta next spring. We would follow the previous trip plans as close as we can.

Refunds are possible. Again we have to wait on the Braves. There may be some additional paperwork to fill out. Once we get to that point, I will let you all know. Please also understand that there are very few days that there are people working up at the schools. This process may take some time.

Hope you are all well! This weather outside has been wonderful! I hope all of you have been able to take advantage of it. We will get through all of this. If anything, this makes us appreciate EVEN more what we get to do with your kids at school.

We miss all of you! Hope to Seay everyone soon!
