MSHS band, covid exposure, and how we plan to forge ahead

Good morning everyone. I wanted to take a moment to try to better explain how the MSHS band staff is forging ahead with anticipated sicknesses and exposures. I hope this gives you better insight as to how we will handle situations and how we came to our decisions.

I think the first thing I want to do is to define “EXPOSURE”. The definition is driving many mshs band safety decisions.

Exposure: Within 6 feet, without a mask for more than 15 minutes of a positive case

If you find yourself having been around someone you know has tested positive, this is the definition the band will use moving forward. It is the standard being used as I understand it. All three things must happen to be considered “exposed” needing quarantine time. As a parent. we will also give you the ability to use your judgement as well deciding what you should do. If you feel it’s a grey area and don’t feel safe to send your child to rehearsal, we understand. However, being around someone who has been exposed does not constitute exposure UNTIL a positive test result occurs.

This definition is also driving our decisions while on campus. We will do everything in our power to stay a minimum of 6 feet apart at all times. Students will always wear a mask to and from rehearsals, in transit, always when inside, and during longer breaks.

We will remove masks only for the following:

  1. When the winds are playing their instruments
  2. Anytime we cannot avoid being within 6 feet
  3. Outside rehearsals once we are safely spaced
  4. Short breathing breaks when needed

Quarantine for both exposure and positive tests is 14 days. Exposure quarantine starts from the last instance of exposure. Positive is 14 days with a negative test result.

A major factor for us staying 6 feet apart and wearing masks is to avoid exposure during rehearsals. If a student tests positive that has been attending rehearsals, then other band members have not been exposed according to the definition. Meaning, if a band member does test positive then we shouldn’t have to quarantine other band members because we have followed the safety guidelines put into place.

Sickness: This year is different. In the past I would have a discussion with students about pushing through discomfort and sickness. Not so much this year. Discomfort yes, but in 2020 if a student gets sick they need to go home immediately.

Absence Google Form: We anticipate more absences this year due to sickness. Trying to head this off, we have created a google form. Anytime an absence happens, please fill this form out. Even if you have contacted the directors. This will help us keep up with student attendance much easier.

Attendance: While on one hand we are going to deal with sickness absences, it is even more important for students to attend rehearsals and not miss for doctors appointments and trips. Mounting absences could really hinder the bands ability to actually get better at what we are trying to do. But unlike any year before, directors understand our predicament. We ask your diligence moving foward.

At the end of band camp, we will hopefully give out more detailed band plans for 2020 football season. We are still gathering all the info we can to make the safest decision about performances and travel.

Band camp is here…….finally……….it’s time to get started!
