mshs BAND BRAG, bare with me please

So, where do I start? I will just get to the point.

We have kids that are go getters, smart, and way above average.

The directors left last Thursday-Friday for our annual music educators conference. Luckily we have a student intern who covered classes at the middle school and taught the symphonic band 4th block. Good reports.

However, I had trouble finding someone to come in and rehearse the wind ensemble because we were all going to be in Montgomery for the conference. So, I asked a handful of students to rehearse the wind ensemble in our abscence. I also gave them a list of instructions and duties.

Thursday and Friday, I get emails with how the rehearsal went, along with rehearsal recordings of run throughs. And upon my return, the band room, the stage, and the percussion room are all in great condition obviously having been straightened up after Friday’s rehearsal. AND, I get a good report from the substitute. All students in ALL bands.

All of this is common place for MSHS, but it isn’t common. It is a stark reminder that what we have is special and should be coveted and appreciated.

Thank you ALL students. You obviously chose to get things done in rehearsal instead of throwing them away. Thank you……..I am excited to get back to it today!
