Here is the musical audition material. Simply click on the link provided and you can download.
All woodwinds and brass: You will have an etude, major scale sheet and chromatic scale sheet. You will also sightread the day of the audition.
Remember, all twelve major scales with arpeggios MUST be memorized.
Mallets, you will have two etudes, a major scale sheet and chromatic scale sheet.
Mallet players, this is a marimba solo. The range of the vibraphone. Do your best at home to learn the music and in the first week of June we will get a marimba in a private room at the school and we can set up a practice schedule for those of you who need to practice on that instrument.
Snare drum you will have two etudes and an information sheet with the rudiments you will need to play.
Link to etudes and material: