Miss Trojan

Friday, February 21, 2025

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself" - Coco Chanel

We are excited to invite all young ladies in the Muscle Shoals City Schools to participate in Miss Trojan Beauty (MSHS 9th – 12th grade) at the MSHS Stratford Auditorium. The Muscle Shoals Band Boosters sponsor these pageants to raise very important financial resources to support the award winning MSHS Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Winterguard, and Percussion Ensemble. 

Our goal is to provide young ladies the opportunity to develop their confidence and enjoy meeting new friends while having a wonderful time!  

Jessica Hood
Band Director
Muscle Shoals High School
“Dedicated to Unity and Excellence”

Complete form and pay fee by Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Tickets available online for $12