Good evening Middle School Band Parents!!
I know you are all excited for tomorrow night’s 7th/8th grade band playing in the stands at the MSMS game! For us with high school students it has been a great source of joy to see and hear our kids playing on Friday nights!!
As many of you may know, the Concession Stands at James F. Moore Stadium are run by our Trojan Band Boosters. While this includes Friday nights, it also encompasses B-Team, JV, Middle School and Rec Center games which allows us to increase our fundraising potential (which has been greatly hampered this season) and support the band program. I invite you to join us as we start to wrap up this season. We have several needs (25 spots to be exact) in the concession stands during October and would love for you to join us. Please click here: and sign up for just one shift. Time with other band parents in the concession stand is a great opportunity for tons of laughs and the building of great friendships!
Thank you and we look forward to seeing our middle school band play next Thursday evening, 10/8 during our special community performance! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at!
Melissa Medlin
Booster President