From the entire Band Staff here at Muscle Shoals, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
We are so grateful for the gifts that students bring us this time of year. We view it as an opportunity to say “Thank You” for a wonderful gesture on the students part. Let the staff take another opportunity to say “Thank You” to all students and parents for choosing to be a part of this program.
We set high standards and work very hard to be the highest quality program we can be. It benefits everyone involved when we can enjoy a certain level of success. The staff knows this happens only because of the families COMMITMENT to the program. It doesn’t happen without students getting to rehearsals, performances, financial commitments, administrator support, community support, and the time and energy from a booster program that makes sure all the things behind the scenes physically and financially are taken care of.
I count my blessings every day for these students, parents, community, and working partners.
Enjoy your time off, be safe on all your travels, and have a wonderful holidays!
From the Entire Band Staff, MERRY CHRISTMAS!