July Band Rehearsal Schedule

Good afternoon band faMily! We now have a schedule for you to put on your calendars for the month of July. We are sorry it took us this long, but honestly it was out of our control.

I want to let you know that these rehearsals are mandatory for everyone who is not on vacation. In other words of you are in town the students must be here. Unfortunately it looks like we will be without a band camp so these rehearsals are even more important than usual.

Monday July 13, 8-11:00am woodwinds/Percussion
1:00-4:00 Brass and Aux

Thursday July 16, 8-11:00am woodwinds/Percussion
1:00-4:00 Brass and Aux,

6:30-8:30 all musicians

Monday July 20, 8-11:00am woodwinds/Percussion
1:00-4:00 Brass and Aux

Thursday July 23, 8-11:00am woodwinds/Percussion
1:00-4:00 Brass and Aux

6:30-8:30 all musicians

Monday July 27, 8-11:00am woodwinds/Percussion
1:00-4:00 Brass and Aux

Thursday July 30, 8-11:00am woodwinds/Percussion
1:00-4:00 Brass and Aux

6:30-8:30 all musicians

Unfortunately this is as far as we can plan at this point. We don’t have an official school start date but it’s looking like August 6. HOWEVER….. that isn’t for sure. If the school board decides to push it back one week, then we will have a band camp August 3-7 as we originally planned over a month ago.
