Instrument Pickup for Middle School Band Students

Good evening MSMS Band. I hope all of you are well and safe.

We know there are several students who need to get their intsruments from the bandroom at the middle school. Here’s how we can go about picking them up.

You may come up to the middle school tomorrow starting at 9 am. No one can come into the building, one of the directors will bring your instrument and book out to you. It would be helpful if you could let us know via email if you plan to come by tomorrow.


I know this is short notice. We had originally planned to do this on Monday next week, but as we know, things with the pandemic can change quickly. We need to get the instruments out to the kids before Gov. Ivey issues a “Shelter in Place” order. If she were to issue that order, schools would be completely off limits for teachers and students until the order is lifted. Alabama is one of only 8 states that has not issued that order yet. It could happen very soon.

Mrs. Hood, Mr. Waters, and I will be sharing some activities with the students starting next week. These will include rhythm studies, music theory, cool instrument videos, playing exercises, etc. We would LOVE for the band kids to stay as engaged as possible during this time. We will communicate via this website, Facebook page, and possibly Google Classroom. Be on the lookout for that info starting next week!

The plan was to reveal all this over the weekend in prep for Monday but we have been advised to act quickly before things change yet again.

We sincerely hope all of you are well. We miss seeing you!

Again, please let us know via email if you plan to come by tomorrow morning starting at 9. You must stay in your vehicle, we will bring your instrument out to you. Again, tomorrow needs to be the day you get your instrument. We may not have another chance for quite some time.
