Good afternoon MSMS Band,
We had a great time at the 7th and 8th grade football games on Thursday last week. The kids behaved well and played well for their first time out. We will be adding new music for the next game, which is scheduled for September 9. Let’s hope that it will cool off a little by then…… was BRUTALLY hot on Thursday….😅.
Parents, thank you for getting your kids to the game on Thursday last week. The student attendance was the best I have seen since I started working at Muscle Shoals in 2018. Also, thank you for being there to pick up your child at the end of the game. For the most part, I felt everything went very smoothly for our first time out.
Congrats to both football teams for their wins over Decatur!
This week is our final week of the Fall Fundraiser. The orders and money need to be turned in by Tuesday, September 7. We are asking each family to please sell at least 5 items. Item delivery will take place in late September/early October.
8th grade band members will be receiving music next week for their first chair test of the year! We will also be having chair tests for 7th grade this year, but we will wait a little bit before we start those as we first need to cover more concepts with them.
7th and 8th graders will need their Essential Elements Books this week! We will start in Book 1 for both grades on Monday. 8th grade will move to Book 2 very soon. 8th grade Parents, please make sure that your child has a Book 2!! 7th grade needs a Book 2, but it will be later in the semester before we move into it.
6th, 7th, and 8th grade: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! We can definitely tell when kids have worked on their music outside of class. We have seen several individuals, particularly in 6th grade, who greatly improved last week.
Let’s have another great week of learning and music making. Remember, the band room is open at 7:15 each morning. SEVERAL students are taking advantage of this time……we would love for more to come on down and practice before school begins!
Have a great rest of your Sunday! Seay you in the morning!