Good morning MSMS Band,
I hope all of you are having a nice fall break. The weather was spectacular yesterday and I hope you all got to go outside and enjoy it.
Here’s the info for the week:
- 7th Graders received their next chair test material in class last week. These next chair tests will start Monday, November 8. We will be talking to 8th grade this week about their next chair test materials.
- 8th grade band members need to keep October 28 on their calendars. This is the homecoming parade. More info will follow next week. The parade will begin around 3:00 p.m.
- 7th and 8th grade band members need to make sure that they have their concert attire ready. Our first concert is November 4. Both 7th and 8th grade will wear their concert attire to this performance.
- 6th, 7th, and 8th grade band members need to keep these dates on their calendars: November 4 (Veterans Day Concert), and December 6 (Christmas Concert). Both of these concerts will be in the auditorium at the high school.
- Each grade level has it’s own set of pass off’s for this year. Many students have been coming to the bandroom in the mornings to practice and pass off their lines. I would like to encourage the students to keep working and keep coming to the bandroom. It seems that every morning the bandroom is full of students practicing before class. Many students are well on their way on their pass off sheets. Let’s keep it going!
This Saturday, October 16, the Muscle Shoals High School Band and Band Boosters will be hosting the 29th Annual Tennessee Valley Marching Invitational. I would like to encourage all middle school band members and parents to come by and check out the marching bands that will be in attendance. The MSHS Trojan Marching Band (9:15 p.m.) as well as the UNA Marching Band (9:30 p.m.) will be in exhibition at the end of the evening.
Here’s the lineup for the day:

We are excited to be able to host this event again. It will be a great day of band at James F. Moore Stadium!
It’s an abbreviated week, but it’s going to be a good one!
Seay you all in the morning!