Info for the Week 9/16 through 9/20

Good evening MSMS Band!

Here’s your info for the week:

Next Pep Band Performance is Thursday, September 19

Our next MSMS Football game is this Thursday, September 19 We will need the 7th and 8th grade students to be in the Middle School band room by 4:45 p.m. All students will need to go home after school. The band room will not be open until 4:30 p.m. The kids will need to eat something before they come to the game. We will provide plenty of water for them to drink.

They will need the following:


Lyre and Flipfolder with music

MSMS Band T shirt (shorts or jeans would be fine)

We will move into the stadium around 5:15 p.m. and be set by 5:30 p.m. There will be two games. We will stay through halftime of the second game. The band will play at halftime of both the 7th and 8th grade games. The second game is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. After halftime of the second game, we will take the kids back to the Middle School Band room and then they can be released to their parents. Parents, please be ready to pick your kids up at 8:00 p.m. It may be a few minutes before or after depending on the length of the games.

Here is a link where you can buy your tickets to the game online:

Chair Tests for 8th Graders

Chair tests for 8th grade band members will begin the week of September 23. Each child has been given a copy of the requirements as well as an email containing a recording of their particular prepared piece for reference.

This is the 8th grade’s first chair test. Parents, please encourage your child to practice their material. We have worked on it some during class (mostly the scale portion). We hope to hear lots of GREAT sounding chair tests from our 8th graders!

Concert Attire For 7th & 8th Grade Band Members

Parents, just a reminder that the 7th and 8th grade band members will need to have their concert attire for their first concert on November 4. Here’s what they will need to have:

Boys – black dress pants, black dress shoes, black belt, and a white, long sleeved button down dress shirt.

Girls – (3 options)

#1 (this is preferred) – A long black dress that looks similar to this (please click the link or copy and paste) and black closed toe dress shoes with low heels:

The Pippa Performance Concert Dress is an Adult dress for choirs, orchestras, band, and quartets. Offered by Cousin’s Concert Attire | Style #113

Dresses must have sleeves and a back.

#2 – An all black pant suit (black pants, black blouse with sleeves and a back, black closed toe dress shoes with low heels)

#3 – black dress pants, black dress shoes, black belt, and a white, long sleeved button down dress shirt.

Parents, let’s try to have these items for the band kids by October 21, if at all possible.

Upcoming Calendar of Events

September 19 – MSMS Home Football Game

September 26 – MSMS Home Football Game

October 4 – BAND NIGHT! (for 7th and 8th grade band members)

October 19 – Tennessee Valley Marching Invitational @ James F. Moore Stadium (Marching Band Contest that we host here at Muscle Shoals)

November 4 – Veteran’s Day Concert for ALL groups @ Muscle Shoals High School (6th, 7th, & 8th Grades)

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. All 3 groups made some really nice improvement this past week. Looking forward to what we can accomplish this coming week!

Seay everyone on Monday!
