From the Podium 8/4

Good Wednesday afternoon everyone. Very pleasant weather for summer lately, but don’t worry as soon as band rehearsals return so will the Alabama humidity and heat 🙂

I first want to brag on our students. Parents, you kids worked very strong and hard last week. We pushed the band hard during the worst heat week of the year and they really handled it well. With very few students having to step out and they managed to push through with good energy and focus. Thank you students and thank you parents for raising such wonderful kids.

The opener, called THE QUEST, has a total of 26 drill moves/sets/pictures. It is 2:30 minutes long and is the hardest thing we have attempted on the field in 2 years. The band has a great sound standing still, but none of that matters unless we can make it happen outside while moving. Right now it is a real challenge, but they are going to get it. Learning is slow due to so many “championship marching show” style rookies. We have already learned and marched more drill in our opener than all of last year. However, it is really going to be something when it’s all done. I cannot wait for you to see the complete finished product. Thank you can dads for building our props. They look fantastic and I know a lot of work went into it.

Our first day of school is Friday. After thinking through all the things we need to get done, we are not planning to go outside on Friday. We will play musically indoors on Friday so we need all of our equipment to do so.

Next week will be the first full week of school and band rehearsals. I want to remind everyone of our weekly rehearsal schedule.

Monday 4th block only, Tuesday 4th block and 5:30-8:00pm,

Wednesday 4th block only, Thursday 4th block and 3:30-4:30, Friday 4th block and gameday.

First game, AUGUST 19th DESHLER AT HOME, SENIOR NIGHT,5:30 call for band students

Our first game is a Thursday night game August 19th against Deshler. It is also senior night for our football, cheerleader and band students. Senior night is celebrated pregame and more information will be shared next week.


Our only fundraiser of the fall for high school band students kicks off August the 11th. Don’t worry, you don’t have to sell a thing. All you do is share the fundraiser through social media and emails and there is no merchandise to sell. IT’s easy and it is the best fundraiser we have ever participated in over the past 24 years. Last year we raised $30,000 in donations. We hope to even beat that number this year. It’s easy and very low stress.


We want to ask all band parents to come to our first of the year band booster meeting at 7:30pm in the high school cafeteria. Right after the meeting at 8:00 there will be an Ice Cream social for the entire band after a long day of rehearsals. We hope to see you there!

For the students:

Students, we have only 9 rehearsal days before our first game arrives. We want to perform the entire opener at game one. It’s going to be a challenge for you no doubt because in those 9 rehearsals we have to also learn stands music, learn how to get on and off the field, perform at a pep rally and spend time with a fundraiser kickoff. You can do it, I have faith in you. Just bring those same great attitudes you had during camp and we will make it.

I’m not going to lie or sugar coat it…….we are learning slowly. It’s not your fault we can just tell we have been through a pandemic and have a lot more inexperienced marchers than any time ever. More than 60% of the band has never done anything like what we are doing right now. I am reminding myself daily to be more patient…………and you need to do the same. Upperclassmen need to help more than usual (help not boss), and underclassman need to stay focused and listen harder than ever. All of us need to buy into the 2021 process and just make sure you do your jobs.

We had a great speaker at teacher institute that inspired us all to Love first and Educate second….to meet your students where they are. It was a good reminder for post Covid times for sure.

THROUGH IT ALL is not for the weak minded or weak hearted band member. It is going to test you in many ways. Just always remember to Love band and you will make it through the hard time.

For the parents:

  1. I have been asked many times by parents what they can do to help their child in band. The single best thing you can do to help your child enjoy band better is to purchase them a quality band instrument. If they are still playing on the same instrument since 6th grade, chances are they have musically outgrown that instrument. Beginner instruments are made cheaply so that prices can be low enough to not scare away beginning band parents. However, they aren’t of great quality. Please consider a step up horn to intermediate or even professional quality instrument. Christmas time will be here before you know it and that would be perfect. Save your other instrument for marching band and get them the horn that will make an immediate impact on their sound and playing.
  2. PARENT MOTIVATION: My life is very different since I became a parent. It’s hard for me to think of a time before Emmie was born. It’s funny to consider what Christy and I did with all our free time before she was born. My teaching style has stayed similar over the last 24 years, but my thoughts about the students has changed. I see them as someone’s child much like Emmie is my child. I have noticed over the past 15 years or so a slow steady decline in the percentage of parents who actively support their children in their activities. This decline is not just associated with band but all activities across the board. The good news is we have great parent support. I witnessed it at band camp with the community coming in GROVES to support and give to our students and our program. We had numerous parents step up and help serve lunch. BAND GIVES PARENTS AN OUTLET TO BE MORE INVOLVED IN THEIR KIDS LIVES! You can make an immediate impact on their experience by simply showing up. PLEASE come to their performances and competitions. Cheer them on and make sure they see you doing so. Supporting your child is an investment you will never regret and can never fully assign a value. Speaking of regret, I never heard a parent say “I really regret supporting my kids band experiences”, but I can tell you there has been plenty of regret on the other end of the spectrum. I would love for you to get involved in the booster program, but even more important than that is to simply show up and support them at their performances and competitions. I know we are busy, but please make the time and let this band experience help you grow closer to your child. It is yet another benefit of this great activity.