From the podium, 8/12

Good morning parents. Here is some information for the next few days. I imagine for a while information will be coming to you in short sperts as planning can only be done so far in advance.

PICTURES: Band pictures are taking place tomorrow at 1:30 during our regularly scheduled band rehearsal time. These pictures are primarily for the football program but also parents have the ability to order pictures. I do not have the order forms with us today but I will get some to the students after the fact. Students who are quarentined or who will be out Thursday, we will be scheduling a makup day. You may not be able to make the first program picture but you will at least get a chance to have individuals made.

Yesterday band polos and hats were distributed. A few still haven’t picked them up so we will take care of this today or tomorrow. Remember for wind and percussion you will wear band polo, khaki/tan shorts, tennis shoes, and have your white cap. You don’t have to have your hat on when you get here, but will need it for the picture. Everyone must have a mask on all day, we will momentarily remove them for the picture. BUT, we will be distanced safely for the picture and it will be for only moments.

Band FEES: I want to give a huge shoutout to Mrs. Hood and Mrs. Turberville for the extreme detailed work they have done regarding refunds and band fee credits from the past 5 months. We think we now have things ready if you need to know how much. Its a lot of information so we ask that you reach out to Mrs. Hood to know how much it is. This is in regard to some Atlanta trip transfer credit from middle school, dinner with the band tickets, and mattress fundraiser credit. If you did not complete the google form last Spring to have Atlanta trip payments moved or refunded please email Mrs. Hood.

We would like all fees to be paid by winds and percussion by September 15. The end of our fiscal year is September 30. Thank you.

NEXT WEEK: We will have rehearsals outside Monday through Wednesday. Please be prepared for the heat. We found out last Monday just how warm Alabama is at 1:30 in the afternoon. Band camp didn’t prepare us for that. Water, Sunscreen, proper clothing, and masks are all mandatory at these rehearsals. Ball caps, sun glasses, and even a snack are all good ideas. Our rehearsals are only 90 minutes long, but thats enough time to get dehydrated, overheated, and sunburned. Please students take precautions and have what you need to stay physically healthy at these rehearsals.

More discussion about quarantine. Please read:

1. If a student gets tested for the virus, they are automatically quarantined until results. If you get the 5 hour test then 5 hours. If you get the 5 day test then it’s 5 days. Keep this in mind if you have allergies or symptoms and decide to get tested. You will be quarantined from school and band until you get results.

2. If you at any time receive a positive result from a test, you are automatically quarantined for 10 days no exceptions. Even if you go the next day and get a negative result, the positive test still remains. The school system will always air on the side of caution. Always.

3. If you are exposed to someone who has had a positive test result, you will be quarantined from school and band for 14 days no exceptions. Even if you get tested and get a negative result, it’s still 14 days. Even if the person that exposed the child receives a negative result it’s still 14 days.

4. Why 14 days for exposure and only 10 for a positive result? This is due to the nature of the virus. Most people get sick days after exposure. When someone tests positive, they have gone through that stage and that is why their quarantine is 10 days. Some people have actually carried the virus for two weeks before they felt the first symptom. This is as much about the safety of the individual as it is the safety of the people they will be around. So 14 days no exceptions.

5. Aneonta HS and Austin HS; Don’t know if you have heard, but I want to share with you why we go the extra mile with masks and distancing. Aneonta HS band and football teams are all in quarantine. ALL OF THEM. I don’t know the details exactly, but this hit the news about 5 days ago. Yesterday, 38 band students from Austin HS band (who had band camp last week), were quarantined due to exposure. Three students tested positive and apparently the others were within the proxitiy and time limits to be exposed. This is EXACTLY what we are trying to keep from happening.

6. EXPOSURE TO EXPOSURE: I have had many conversations with parents that I so appreciate that let us know someone in the family may have been exposed at work/other and are getting tested and waiting for results. Just to clarify, as long as it isn’t the student getting tested or exposed then this is considered an exposure to a possible exposure. This case does not require quarantine of the student. If and when a positive test in the household DOES happen, then its exposure. Parents, we are even allowing you to make the decision in these scenarios as to what you feel is best. They are welcome at band rehearsal but you make the call. Just let us know and we will honor your wishes.

7. If your student is sick in any way, STAY HOME. This year, just take no chances. Please fill out the google form and let us know what is going on. Please, if you are sick stay home.

8. Safety outside of band: Students and parents, I want to make yet another request to help the kids follow guidelines outside of band. I heard Nick Saban’s words loud and clear earlier this week about safety. I feel somewhat the same. If you have come to a rehearsal you understand what all we are doing. I truly believe it’s the safest place for kids besides inside your own home. Gatherings of kids for long periods of time without following precautions is a recipe for marching band disaster. Sections shouldn’t have parties, lunch gatherings, and those kinds of things without following precautions. It’s just not smart. I dread being in a position as the “bad guy” telling students you cant be at rehearsal. Its already happened and its terrible for everyone . There is no wiggle room. We must follow the rules on this

Thank you and Go Trojans!
