From the Podium: 8/11-8/16

Good morning from the band room! We had a great first week of school; although, I have to say that starting on a Monday was a little strange. I’m glad to get into more of a routine this week. We have started work on the ballad and will continue our goal of trying to march and play parts 1&2 by our first game in Gadsden.

Week At A Glance:
Sunday 8/11: Meet the Trojans
Monday 8/12: 4th Block Rehearsal
Tuesday 8/13: 4th Block Rehearsal, Evening Rehearsal 5:30-8, Band Booster/Parent meeting 6:30PM in the MSHS Cafeteria.
Wednesday 8/14: 4th Block Rehearsal, 3:30-4:30 Benefit Concert Pep Band Rehearsal
Thursday 8/14: 4th Block Snap Raise Kick-Off, After School Rehearsal 3:30-4:30
Friday 8/15: 4th Block Rehearsal

Volunteers needed:
Our first home game on 8/30 will be here before we know it. This game is against Florence, and also Senior Night. Our Senior parents will not be able to help in concessions, so we are counting on our other parents to get ALL the spots filled. This will be one of our most crowded games all seasons. Sign up to help here:

Meet the Trojans:
3:30 Battery Rehearsal
4:15 Call Time/Rehearsal for full band
4:40 Walk to Amphitheater
5:00 Meet the Trojans Event Begins
*If you did not pick up your show shirt, please arrive a little early so you can get your shirt and change.

Band Booster Meeting:
We had a great morning of fellowship on Saturday morning with the band dads. If you were unable to attend the meeting, please make sure you get with David Waters (256.924.6500) for more info on how to get involved. Our first booster meeting of the year is this Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM. Parents, you are a booster just by being a parent/guardian of a band student. There is no cost to be a member of the band boosters, all we ask is for you to volunteer for a minimum of 3 events throughout the year to help your child succeed. It takes a village to do what we do! We will meet this Tuesday at 6:30PM in the MSHS Cafeteria.

Our annual SnapRaise fundraiser begins this Thursday, August 15th and runs to September 12th. This is the only fundraiser the full band participates in this semester. It is also the biggest and easiest. We will be asking each student to collect 20+ quality emails to submit for the campaign as we ask for donations. I will have more information about email privacy, etc. at our school meeting and band booster meeting! In the past the band has raised upwards of $30,000 during this drive, and we need full participation to be successful. Our expectations are high for student participation in collecting emails and parent participation in sharing our campaign on personal social media accounts. Students should come to class on Thursday will no fewer than 20 quality email addresses typed into the notes app of their phone with one email address per line.

Fees Reminder:
Auxiliairies-Your first payment is due.
Instrumentalists-Marching Band Fee is $375 and should be paid by 9/1. Shoes can also be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Fees paid in full:

Fees paid in payments/shoes/miscellaneous fees:

Gadsden Game Schedule:
1:35PM – Students come to 4th Block
1:45 – Load Buses
1:50 – Depart for Gadsden Mall
4:30 – Arrive at Gadsden Mall/Eat
5:45 – Load Buses/Depart for Gadsden City High School
6:00 – Arrive at GCHS/Unload
7:00 – Kick-Off
~8:15 – Halftime
~10:00 – Game Ends/Load
~10:45 – Depart for MSHS
~1:15AM – Arrive at MSHS/Unload/Clean Band Room
~Times are Approximate depending on the length of the game.

Upcoming Events:
8/13 – Band Booster Meeting
8/15 – SnapRaise Kick-Off
8/22 – Gadsden City Game
8/24 – Benefit Concert Pep Band Performance
8/30 – Florence Game
9/2 – Labor Day, no school
9/4 – Short Homecoming Practice After School
9/5 – Homecoming Evening Pep Rally
9/6 – Homecoming Parade/Homecoming Game
9/9 – Percussion Preview
9/13 – Decatur Game
9/14 – Ford Drive One Fundraiser for new Uniforms
9/20 – Cullman Game
9/21 – Bob Jones Competition
9/27 – Friday Night Rehearsal
