From the Podium: 7/29-8/2

Happy Monday, Band! I hope you have all taken some time to recharge after 2 weeks of camp. I am incredibly proud of how each of you pushed through and achieved at such a high level during camp, especially our new members. We learned 2:30 of our show! Parents, if you ever have any doubt in your child’s work ethic, just drop by at the end of a 5 hour block! Your kids are amazing. This commitment to hard work and perseverance will serve them greatly later on in life. Thank you to the parents, staff, and students for making band camp 2024 a success. Additional thanks to the parents and alumni who brought popsicles!

I only snapped a couple photos from a very busy 2 weeks!

Full MSHS Band Pic
Sunglasses gifted from Jerry and Lori Woolfolk (Soul Catching Photography)
Class of 2025!

This Week in Band:
Wednesday-Institute Pep Rally (First performance of the year!)

Meet at band room 7:00AM, dress in full uniform (remember your band shoes and long black socks: new band shoes are in), instrument, long black socks, flip folders). Auxiliaries will wear football uniforms. The front ensemble is excused form this performance. I will be at the school tomorrow for any section leaders that need to come by and prepare flip folders.

7:20 short practice, perform for teachers 7:45-8:05, put away uniforms, students dismissed. This is a short pep rally to welcome our teachers back to school before their in-service begins. Students should be picked up no later than 8:30AM. *After our performance, I need some help from people who drive trucks to meet me at the church to move our waters/snacks/equipment out.

School starts a week from today!

First week of school schedule reminder!
Every day, we will rehearse during 4th block 1:35-3:15
Tuesday Night Rehearsal is 5:30-8
Thursday Afternoon we stay at school until 4:30

Students should bring full water jugs, tennis shoes/practice attire, instruments, music, sunscreen, etc. every day and drop them off in the band room before school starts. Parents will not be allowed to drop materials off in the front office for forgotten materials.

Our first game is right around the corner!!! 8/22 at Gadsden City!

Say hello to our newest band member! John David Frederick was born on July 24th. Officially a band camp baby! Parents and baby are doing well and are back home now. Congratulations Dr. and Mrs. Frederick!

Upcoming dates:
8/5 First Day of School
8/11 Meet the Trojans Performance at 5PM, MS Amphitheater (This event introduces all athletes and band members).
8/22 First Game @ Gadsden City

See you all on Wednesday!
