Good morning 2021-2022 band faMily. July is nearly here bringing warmer weather and a new season of marching band sights and sounds. Soon, the band room will be full of sounds, and the practice field will be lined and full of kids marching and playing. We are ready and I hope you are excited like we are.
This message will contain a great deal of information, so I need everyone to please read all of it.
–Tomorrow (July 1) we would like to have another uniform fitting for sophomores who are in town and any junior/senior who didn’t get a chance yet from 2:30-5:00. This is a nice head start for the upcoming year. Anyone who doesn’t get fitted before camp will get fitted then.
–Freshman winds and percussion will purchase their own band shoes. We will provide the sizes and preorder the shoes. When they arrive, students will pay for the shoes then.
Band fees: Band fees may be paid online through the muscle shoals city school website. They will return to “pre-covid” amounts which are $325 first semester and $125 second semester for winds and percussion. Guard and majorettes should already have their payment info. Online payments will be available to be paid closer to band camp. Please wait until then.
Leadership Team info– Thursday, July 15 is leadership training lead by Mr. Pat Stegall! 8am-noon will be the morning session. We will dismiss and return at 2:00 and take our leadership team to TOP GOLF in Huntsville for a great time had by all.
–We could use the help of a few leadership team members next week at our begining band camp at the middle school. If you are interested in helping the next generation of band students, please email me at
–Leadership team members of Sousaphone, mellos and Baritones— July 6th is our first rehearsal of the year. Please come to the band room at 2:30 so we can get the instruments assigned and ready for that rehearsal.
FRESHMAN PARENT FISH FRY– Friday July 16th is our annual fish fry held at Grace Life church fellowship hall. This fish fry is hosted for the parents of upcoming freshman for both fellowship to share insight and expectations for the upcoming season. It’s a night of great food and important information. Let us serve you on July 16th. Sophomore parents are also invited since you didn’t get one last year! This meal is prepared for parents only, but if you are in a bind and need to bring your children please let us know so we can prepare.
Band/Pit dads: I enjoyed our fish fry last week. We are impressed with the number of you who are interested in helping us this year. If you did not make the fish fry but are interested in helping out with this awesome group, please contact Jon Wright (pit crew head) and let him know. We have work to be done in the upcoming weeks before band camp and could certainly use your help. Please consider becoming a driver for us! We need a few more names. If you need Jon’s contact simply reach out to me at
A word about attendance: An unfortunate side effect of our post-covid year is apathy and fatigue. The fatigue was caused by the stress of the unknown. We all felt it and had to figure out a way to overcome. I hope you are in a better frame of mind at this time. Nothing cures the boredom funk like band camp! However, apathy is something we just simply cannot fit into the equation of a successful band program. I want to simplify it to this: Students you have two jobs: Learn your music/drill and be at rehearsals. Parents, we simply need you to get your children to rehearsals.
If a rehearsal is on the schedule, you are expected to attend. The directors are very understanding people, but we know nothing kills our progress like absences. Last year we altered our schedule, our show demand, and our expectations due to knowing so much was out of our control as far as attendance was concerned. This is not the case in 2021. Full steam ahead as we set our sights on attaining the highest level of successes we have come to love so much about our program.
Our 4 early July summer rehearsals are July 6,8,13 and 15 from 5:30-8:00 in the band room. Only those on family vacations are excused. You must communicate these absences through this website. Simply click on the absence tab on the front page and fill out the form.
Band camp: Students cannot miss band camp and be in the marching band unless illness or death in the family. We will rehearse 36 hours each week of band camp for a total of 70 hours. It is the most crucial time of the entire season.
Band Camp Dates and times:
Week 1: July 19-22 Monday through Thursday (music and marching fundamentals primary)
Week 2: July 26-29 Monday through Thursday (learning drill is primary)
Each week is the same. Monday and Tuesdays start at 8am and we provide lunch. Students are dismissed at 4pm for dinner on their own and return for a 6-8pm evening block. Wednesday is 8-4pm lunch provided. Thursday is 8am-12:00 without lunch.
- Half gallon water jug filled with water: Each student is in charge of their own hydration. They will need to have their own half gallon jug at every single minute of every marching band rehearsal. This includes band camp through the end of the marching band season. Once students run out of water, they may refill it here at the school. This is the most important of all needs.
- Proper athletic clothing: All students must have athletic type tennis shoes for marching band. Inexpensive shoes are fine as they will get used a lot. Also athletic shorts and t-shirts are also a much. No long pants or jeans please. It’s Alabama and it’s hot.
- Backpack-Please have a band backpack or athletic bag to keep all the items needed for rehearsals. The bag should have sun screen, pencils, Chapstick, a snack like crackers or granola bars, hat/sunglasses, change of shoes for inside, gold bond or something similar, even a jacket or hoodie as it gets cold sometimes in our school. All these items are recommended.
- Towel or exercise mat: these items are needed for the stretching and other activities we will do outside.
- BREAKFAST: At band camp, all students must eat breakfast before rehearsal. Scrambled eggs and toast kind of breakfast is recommended and avoid dairy due to the heat.
Schedule of band rehearsals during school week:
Band meets every 4th block of school. We go outside for rehearsal every day. We also rehearsal every Tuesday from 5:30-8:00, sometimes rehearsing in our stadium. We also rehearsal Thursday after school until 4:30.
The entire band attends every football game and performs our halftime show as well as stands music.
Check our downloadable schedule for contest dates and other important days.
Have a happy 4th of July and see you on the 6th!