Good morning everyone. Hope you enjoyed the weekend as much as I did.

Here is your weekly schedule:

This week begins our wind auditions starting with woodwinds. Will audition until we are completely done. Friday and Saturday we host Shoals Honor Band.

Monday: regular day

Tuesday: Enrichment day, most students will be out of school (no jazz band, no percussion ensemble) winterguard rehearses 4:30-7:00 northwest), Band Booster meeting

Wednesday: regular day

Thursday: Regular day, jazz band, winterguard, percussion during 4th. After school we will need to prepare the school for Shoals honor band. ALL DINNER TICKETS AND MONEY ARE DUE!!!!!!!!!!

Friday: Shoals Honor Band all day, 4th bloc, students will meet in the choir room 4th block who aren’t part of the honor band. Students in the honor band need to make sure their teachers know they will miss Friday and take care of all their schoolwork issues.

Saturday: Shoals Honor Band morning rehearsal, Concert at 3:00pm
