Happy Sunday from the band room! We have a great weekend full of band for many of our students at Alabama Honor Band and Alabama District III Honor Band! I’m so proud of our students for their efforts to improve their musicianship and to have fun. Mindset is everything. It’s the most important fundamental of music that we can have. If our minds are not in the place of getting better every time we walk into the band room (or anything in life), we will not reach our potential. MPA is right around the corner, and we have a lot of work to do!
A few moments from this weekend:

Week At A Glance
Monday 2/10: 4th Block Rehearsal
Tuesday 2/11: 7:15 Jazz Band, Black History Program, 4th Block Rehearsal, Hawaii Band Rehearsal 3:30-4:30, Winter Guard and Percussion Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30-8, Band Booster/Hawaii Trip Meeting at 6:30PM in the MSHS cafeteria
Wednesday 2/12: 4th Block Rehearsal, Winter Guard 5:30-8
Thursday 2/13: 7:15 Jazz band Rehearsal, 4th Block Rehearsal, Winter Guard 5:30-8, Send-off performance at 7:45 at McBride Gym
Friday 2/14: 4th Block Rehearsal, Percussion Ensemble 5:30-8, Send-off performance at Muscle Shoals Middle School
Saturday 2/15: Percussion Ensemble and Winter Guard at Bob Jones Show
Black History Program
The Trojan Drive Jazz Band will perform at the MSHS Black History Program this Tuesday morning around 8:15. This program is open to the public if you would like to attend. The jazz band will be performing one piece and a student quartet will play one piece. Jazz Band members should wear all black attire. Black polo/blouse/button down, black pants, black shoes.
Please make plans to attend our Hawaii Trip Meeting on Tuesday evening! We will be on our way to paradise in about a month!
Winter Guard Send-Off Show

Marching Band Uniform Update!
Thanks to your efforts, we are officially in production for our new marching band uniforms! This has been an almost 2 year endeavor of design and fundraising. Thank you to all parents and students who helped to make this dream a reality! This week, we will need to measure all 8-11 graders, even if you are no tin marching band next year, to Geta range of measurements sent to the company. As soon as we get these measurements in, they will start to make our uniforms! It takes about 180 days to make them all, so the sooner the better on this! Are there any parents available to help me measure students during 4th block this week?
Final Uniform Sketch! We will wear the red dress shirt and hip drop for football with a red plume (uniform on the right/no white gauntlets) and the black/gray dress shirt and hip drop with a black plume (uniform on the left) for competitions!

Pageant Coming Up Soon! I’ll be making a separate post tomorrow about all things pageant! Any high school participants should expect to receive an informational email tomorrow as well!