Happy Monday from the band room!
What a successful ( and slightly stressful) weekend for many of our students who auditioned from Alabama All-State and All-District Honor Bands! Although the new software for tabulating results did not roll out as expected, when we finally got the results back, we have so much to be proud of! Thank you very much to our band parents who donated items and volunteered their time and effort to make sure Saturday ran smoothly. We received so many compliments on our hospitality, so THANK YOU to our hospitality crew!
Every year I am so proud of students who take the time to prepare this audition, regardless of the outcome. Congratulations to all! All-State Prom in Mobile?
This Week in Band:
Monday 1/20 – No School
Tuesday 1/21 – 4th Block, Winter Guard 5:15-8:15, Percussion Ensemble 5:30-8
Wednesday 1/22 – 4th Block, Winter Guard 5:15-8:15
Thursday 1/23 – 4th Block, Directors at AMEA (Mr. Wiseman will be leading rehearsal), 3:30-4:30 Percussion Ensemble
Friday 1/24 – 4th Block, Directors at AMEA (Mr. Wiseman will be leading rehearsal), Winter Guard Bake Sale, Percussion Ensemble Practice-A-Thon
Saturday 1/25 – Directors at AMEA
Band Fees:
Reminder that Marching Band Fees are past due, please get these taken care of as soon as you can. Concert Band Fees, Winter Guard, and Percussion Ensemble Fees have been added to your student’s account on CutTime. Please pay all fees on MySchoolBucks.
Have a great week!