Today is a retake picture day due to camera malfunctions. I did find out that Majorettes, Colorgaurd and Tuba pictures were ok and those students will actually not have to take pictures. We will need seniors in those three groups however to take our senior picture. Hopefully this gets done quickly.
I received an updated list of online fees paid and plan to update charms today sometime. If you have not yet paid fees, please do as soon as you are able.
Leadership team, we will be taking our trip next Friday. A sign up list goes up today, will need to know exactly who is going by Tuesday. Estimated cost per student is $30.
Again, next week starts our regular marching band schedule. Tuesday 5:30-8, Thursday 3:30-4:30. We go outside every day, water bottles and proper clothing are a must.
All high school band parents, please come to our first booster meeting Monday night at 7pm. Meeting business is 7-7:30, committee sign ups will happen right after.