Good afternoon MSMS Band!
Here’s a message to all the groups, 6th, 7th, and 8th:
GREAT JOB LAST NIGHT!! The concerts went well considering we hadn’t been in class for 4 days!!
I hope each of you felt a sense of accomplishment following your performances last night. There’s nothing like the feeling of putting in hours of work and then seeing, and in this case, HEARING, the great results that come from it.
It was a great night of music. I am already looking forward to our next performance and I hope you are, too.
Thank you to the parents who helped us out last night with tickets, sanitizing, videoing, lighting, and sound. Last night could not have happened without you.
Mrs. Hood, Mr. Waters, and I can’t wait to get back to work when everyone comes back to school on January 7. New music, new concepts, and new challenges await when you return! It’s going to be fun!
Thank you for choosing band and thanks for a wonderful evening.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
Seay everyone in January!