Thank you Juniors for trying on your uniforms. Most were ok but we had 5 needing adjustments. Unfortunately you 5 didn’t stay and get refitted so we will just have to make due on October 13th.
This Friday, all sophomores will try on their uniforms and we can find out who needs to be adjusted and who is ok.
Tuesday, October 13 during rehearsal we will fit all freshmen and finalize all students into uniform. It is the last day to do so. We are working hard to get this done so everything needs to get done on the 13th so we can get them cleaned and ready to go for our final two performances.
Students, we need you to work with us on this. We will devote an entire rehearsal to uniform fitting and getting everyone ready to go including shakos. Even if it takes you staying after school on that day we have to get it done. We have parents taking off work to be here so………..
October 13th